Business Planning Process Analyst S/4HANA
Hiszünk abban, hogy lehetséges a változás a közlekedés jobb, fenntarthatóbb jövőjéért. Évtizedek során meghatározó lépéseket tettünk a haszonjárművek technológiájának és biztonsági rendszereinek fejlesztése terén. A világ minden tájáról több, mint 33. 000 munkatársunkkal folyamatosan és elhivatottan keressük azon lehetőségeket, amelyek a technikai kiválóság és a társadalmi felelősségvállalás révén ösztönzik a járműipar fejlődését.
Area of responsibility:
Realignment and implementation of the division-wide business planning environment as part of a group-wide, multi-year S/4HANA implementation programme.
Development of a fit-gap analysis as part of a detailed study of the current business planning processes and tools, based on the results of a previously conducted process analysis.
Conceptual design and planning of a future-oriented business planning environment within SAP S/4HANA (processes and system architecture), including the creation of an implementation roadmap and continuous coordination with all relevant stakeholders.
Technical management of the implementation and introduction of the target concept as part of the group-wide SAP S/4HANA implementation programme.
Continuous identification and implementation of improvement potentials in the business planning processes and tools.
Completed university degree in business informatics, business engineering or a comparable further education offering an equivalent level of training.
Several years of professional experience in the field of business planning, preferably in a manufacturing company or in management consultancy with corresponding project experience.
Practical experience in SAP process consulting or comparable knowledge is an advantage.
In-depth expertise in SAP (such as modules SD, PS, PP, MM or S/4HANA and/or IBP).
Fluent written and spoken English (Geraman is advantage)
Strong analytical and conceptual skills as well as a very good ability to understand.
Strong communication skills and a confident, self-assured demeanour.
High degree of initiative, combined with flexibility, efficient working methods and a strong sense of responsibility.
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