Legal Consultant and Compliance Officer
A Joyson Safety Systems a világ autóipari biztonsági berendezéseinek piacvezető gyártója, 5, 3 milliárd EURO árbevétellel és világszerte több, mint 43, 800 munkavállalóval. A Joyson Safety Systems-nél erősen elkötelezettek vagyunk az innováció és a fejlődés iránt. Az autóipar megbízható és hozzáértő partnereként biztonsági rendszereket és alkatrészeket fejlesztünk és gyártunk, melyeket a járművekben világszerte használnak. Termékportfóliónkban megtalálhatóak kormányok, légzsákok és gázgenerátorok, biztonsági övek, műanyag alkatrészek, biztonsági gyermekülések, elektronikai termékek és szenzorok. Termékeinket szinte minden jelentősebb gépjárműgyártó cégnek szállítjuk világszerte.
-Manage and administer the activities of the legal function in Hungary under the supervision of the Supervisor.
- Deliver legal services in a timely and effective manner to all JSS group companies and business units with respect to all commercial activities
- Function as a business partner of the management and department of Joyson Safety Systems Hungary
- Advise on, prepare, draft, review and negotiate any legal documentation (including, but not limited to contracts or other documentation) in assigned matters
- Serve as legal advisor on business transactions, including acquisitions, divestitures and joint ventures, assigned to the SLC
- Prepare, handle and manage legal disputes (including claims, complaints, lawsuits, and arbitration)
- Manage external counsel for all matters relating to Joyson Safety Systems Hungary or assigned to the SLC by the Supervisor efficiently and on a cost-effective basis
- Advise on legislation, government regulations or court decisions that may materially affect Joyson Safety Systems
- Support the development of corporate policies, procedures and programs ensuring the company is conducting its business in compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- Provide legal support and advice to the General Counsel, the Supervisor, and collaborate with other members of Global Legal Department
- Assist the Supervisor in administering and overseeing the Compliance Program in Hungary
- Support the further development, implementation, enhancement, and revision of the Compliance Program under the direction and supervision of the Supervisor
- Support the integrity and compliance with all applicable laws and company rules of all group companies, including the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and related governance and ethical rules and requirements
- Assist the Supervisor and the management in promoting a culture based on ethics and integrity
- Assist the Supervisor in developing new, and reviewing existing, compliance company rules
- Initiate and execute reviews to avoid and detect compliance incidents and assist in reviews and investigations lead by the regional or global compliance function
- Advise managers and employees of Joyson Safety Systems on compliance related questions
- Conduct and document compliance trainings and compliance communication as requested by the Supervisor
- Organize and conduct the investigation of compliance incidents and reporting on such incidents to the Supervisor, Chief Compliance Officer and management bodies
- Provide support to the Supervisor with respect to local regulations and other relevant local factors in developing and implementing group-wide applicable compliance measures
- Support the periodical identification and assessment compliance risk areas (including the annual Compliance Risk Assessment in accordance with the applicable company rules) and, under the direction of the Supervisor, take appropriate actions to mitigate identified compliance risks
- Understand and keep abreast of changes to relevant laws and regulations
- Under the direction of the Supervisor, take appropriate actions to ensure employees are aware of and understand the existence and content of all company rules they are required to comply with
- Support the Supervisor in developing training and communicating compliance initiatives and programs that promote corporate integrity
- Under the direction of the Supervisor, log, assign, and track compliance complaints and investigations
- Support the periodic compliance self-assessment in accordance with the JSS Compliance Program Self-Assessment Policy, including monitor and assess the effectiveness of compliance policies and procedures and make recommendations as to any enhancements or modifications that may be necessary or appropriate
Education and qualifications
- Successfully completed legal studies at an accredited university in Hungary and a member in good standing of the Hungarian bar
- Preferably, a Master of Laws (LL. M. )
- Fluent professional English knowledge required
- Min. 3 years experience with an international law firm as an attorney and/or internal corporation as an in-house legal counsel
- Combination of international law firm (with a minimum of 2 years’ experience) and corporate experience preferred
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